Monday, November 16, 2015

Vetrans Day Blog

What are my thoughts on murder charges during a war? I feel that unless you see something that could be a direct threat or see a sign or symbol that could be a threatening group seeking to do harm to you or your comrades, you have no right to harm someone. But on the other hand, people like me would not know how to react until we have been in there shoes or been there. Civilians cannot speak out about instants like this because they have no idea what this individuals have seen from gunfights to bombs blowing people to pieces right in front of them, all you are thinking about is survival.

When all of our servicemen come back from there will be people waiting to protest them because they want peace, when in reality, they have no idea what they are yelling about. They think they are doing well for countries and people, but in reality, this men and women just got done seeing some of the worst images that people could imagine. These people risked their lives to make sure other people of the earth are kept safe, the last thing they need or want is to be protested. This is where the quote "Citizenship is a duty, not a privilege" comes into play. The protesters or the American soldiers should be ashamed to protest our own troops. Our soldiers have given us freedom as citizens for over 200 years. If anything our troops need support coming back from war.

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