Thursday, September 10, 2015

Microsociology vs. Macrosociology

With microsociology, it shows how everything works as long as you have all the right parts of a machine in the right places, even the smallest little nut or screw falls out of a machine, another part could fall off and then another until the machine does not work anymore. It’s like a football team, it is good when every player is there and doing his job, but as soon as one guy gets hurt or needs a break, you might see a bit of a struggle, even if the individual is not always in the spotlight, his role might be important to the point where the individual is needed to have success.

But in terms of macrosociology, the same point can be made using the example of a football team, except as the team and not individuals. Like if there is a team that is very talented but they still lose just because the fact that the other team is better than them, or they made big plays when the game came down to the wire. It could be as simple as one guy making a mistake and it affects the outcome for the whole group, or it could be compounding mistakes and no one is more at fault then the next guy, or like I said, the other team is just simply better.

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