Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Sociological Mindfulness

I think all people have their own unique perspectives, opinions, and generalizations about certain races or groups of people. An example would be like how every town, except for Webster, thinks that Webster kids do nothing but party, when in reality that is only a small percentage of that age group. On September 11, 2001, there were large scale terrorist performed by Islamic/Muslim-extremist terrorist on United States soil. And the generalization started that every Muslim is a terrorist, but it was actually only one terrorist group, and the acts of that group ruined the reputation of an entire religion. I also believe that the opinions of people, especially in America, can be influenced by the National Media and how they always twist the truth so it seems like we are always the good guys, although it’s not always the truth. When there is a brutal war going on in a foreign country emotions can get to you if you are a soldier or a freedom fighter for Iraq, and you might perform an action that otherwise you would not. Even though the perspective of other nations, cultures, and religions are different from what the truth actually is, there are still good people all over the world. There are people in the Middle East that would help any person in a heartbeat and there are also Americans that would do the same for non-Americans. Lastly, I see myself fitting into the big picture of society, enforcing the law. Being a police officer and hopefully making the world a better, safer place. It would be an honor and a privilege to enforce the laws that were made by so many brilliant minds of the past, present, and future laws that we cannot even come close to predicting what they could possibly be.

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